The True Texas Conservative
Small Business Owner and Former Spanish Teacher, Shelley Luther is the Salon Owner who stood up against Government Shutdowns and was thrown in jail by a liberal judge. Shelley is a true Christian Conservative Republican that has the courage to stand up against the liberal agenda.
Shelley and her husband reside just outside Tom Bean, Texas, where they operate a horse and animal rescue. They are members of King's Trail Cowboy Church, highly active in local conservative politics, and can't get enough of the beautiful sunsets and rolling hills of Grayson County.
Are you tired of empty promises from our elected officials? Tired of tax increases? Tired of our wide-open border? Tired of government mandates?
Shelley Luther will fight to preserve Texas values and keep the Austin mentality out of our schools.

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Border Security: The Texas border is wide open with illegal immigrants flooding through our state. The Mexican Cartels are violating families, smuggling drugs, and building a sex trafficking empire. THIS MUST STOP. Let's stop talking about the wall and build it. Once the border is secure, we make the process of becoming a citizen easier and more accessible while still maintaining a focus on national security.
Property Taxes: Texans never own their home even if the mortgage is paid off. If you are ever unable to pay your property taxes, the government can seize your house. Although most of your property taxes go toward schools, most don't even have children that are school age or they home school. The government boasts tax caps and freezes on rates, but appraisals raise your rates anyway. Texans pay some of the highest property tax rates in the nation, causing people to move out of state to retire. Over several years, our property taxes can be eliminated by drastically reducing government spending and slightly raising the sales/consumption tax. I will never impose an income tax.
Government Mandates: The government has completely taken over our lives by demanding we shut down our small businesses while big box stores remain open, requiring vaccinations and masks. The government does not have the authority to tell anyone what to do with their own body. I believe in personal responsibility and freedom to choose what is right for yourself and your family.
Abolish Abortion: The Texas legislature took a big step forward by passing the long overdue Heartbeat Bill, but there is still work to be done. Doctors should be held criminally responsible and their license stripped for murdering an infant of any age. I am proudly endorsed by Texas Right to Life and will defend the rights of the unborn.
Abolish Gender Mutilation in Children: Right now, it is legal in Texas to chemically and surgically castrate a child. The Texas legislators had the opportunity to ban this in the last session, but refused to do so. I will fight for Texas' children.
Education: As a former school teacher, I know that some public schools can misappropriate funds leaving teachers without the proper tools they need to create a positive learning atmosphere. Starting pay for qualified, exceptional teachers should be at least $60,000/year, and retired teachers should receive COLA raises as needed. Health benefits should also remain a top priority. The TEA and the SBOE should employ individuals whom have actually taught in a classroom. The STAAR test and CRT should be eliminated while supplementing education with important life skills. Trade schools should be represented as an equal alternative to attending college. School Choice: Parents should also have the freedom to choose the most appropriate type of schooling (homeschool, public, charter or private) for their child without government intrusion. I agree that funding should follow a child for their education as long as the funding has no hidden government strings or rules attached (now or in the future).
Secure the Power Grid: Nothing has been done to make sure that Texans don't freeze to death in their own home. Texas should not rely solely on green energy, especially during an emergency.
Voter Integrity: Texans should not have to worry about whether their vote is secure, but the Texas legislature changed voter fraud from a felony act to a misdemeanor. This must be changed back to a felony charge, along with enforcing stricter penalties for violating voting laws.
Constitutional Carry: Texas took one step closer to regaining our God-given right to bear arms with Permitless Carry last session, but Constitutional Carry must be passed.
Communist Chinese Infiltration: While Americans are worried about being politically correct, the Chinese Government is building the largest military in the world. We should not allow Chinese Nationals into our colleges where they can obtain classified information, steal technology, and essentially learn how to defeat the United States. Chinese companies should be banned from buying land in Texas as well, especially next to our power grid. China is our enemy, and we should treat them as such.
Democrat Committee Chairs: The Texas House elected a horrible speaker behind closed doors in a back room deal made with Democrats. This speaker gave Democrats coveted Committee Chair positions that gave them power to deny important bills from ever being heard. When the Democrats broke quorum and fled to Washington to keep from passing an election integrity bill, our legislators voted to give them their committee chair positions back without penalty when they returned. Democrats should not be committee chairs in a Republican majority House.
Texas Sovereignty: Texas is a free and independent state that should be governed by the people. Less government is preferred with as little intervention as possible.